Your private XO / Order
You may be wondering right now: Where is the online shop?
And why can’t I just order my case with two, three clicks?
Well then… let me try to explain.
XO- Stringcases have come a long way: First, there’s the musicians’ experiences. Furthermore, as a base for my understanding, there’s a violin maker. And let’s not forget the bow maker. The result was all requirements in terms of security, protection, features, and handling. And finally my pursuit of skill, as well as the longing for beauty, and actuality.
All of this has taught me that there are still one or two questions which need to be resolved, before you can gently put your instrument in its new home. What kind of shoulder rest? Historical violin? You name it. You name it.
So, whether you just have a question, are in need of advice or would like to order your favourite piece: Klick on the button und send me an email with all your questions, requests, and ideas. And as a result of our dialogue combined with one of the models of the collection, we will develop YOUR PRIVATE XO.
Kind regards